Motherhood was never easy. From the moment you got pregnant up to the time you’ll give birth and then the time your taking care of your baby. It was never easy being a woman. But then, it feels very rewarding and magical. Yes, I love my son but after a month of post delivery stage, it was really though for me. Depression, stress, sleep deprivation. It all makes me unreasonable, short tempered and most of all exhausted.
So to all new moms here I found some ways how to cope with such situation.
1.) I sleep whenever my little tot sleeps. During my first 2 weeks of being a “mommy on duty” I was so distracted with my “baby chores” like washing my baby’s feeding bottles, fixing his clothes, etc. I wanted to do it myself that I couldn't go ahead and sleep with my son. I don’t like anyone to do it for me. Why o why? Of course, I can do those things if my baby is asleep. I can be super OC
at times.
2.) EAT. If you breastfed your baby you should eat a lot of healthy foods. Don’t be on diet and think that you’d be a big fat momma after giving birth. Breastfeeding will also help you be on shape so eat a lot and take vitamins. Remember, what you eat and drink goes into your milk and your baby is also getting the nutrients and vitamins your taking.
3.) Allow Visitors. Allow your friends and love ones to admire your newborn. I always tell them to wash and sanitize first their hands before holding my baby. And if they have colds and cough, uh-oh put some masks darling! I’m a super over protective mom because a newborn immune system is not fully developed yet. Also, I allow visitors to help me with my depression being alone since my husband is always at work. A shared laugh may help lighten my mood.
4.) Get out of the house. If you're going stir-crazy with a fussy newborn, take the baby out for a walk. If you can, let someone you trust take over for a while. Go shop for your little angel!
5.) Accept a helping hand. At first, it’s like I don’t want anybody holding my baby. They might broke his bones. LOL! I know, I’m such a weirdo with that thing. But when friends and loved ones offer to help, take them up on it. Suggest holding the baby, folding the laundry, running a few errands — whatever would help you the most. And thank God I already overcome that issue. Now I can eat and take a bath even though he's awake.
My 4 weeks old son. His name is "Daniele" =) |
1 month Post delivery stage. Yipeee! I'm getting into my original shape. ;) |
The newborn days won't last long. Step back and appreciate the moment, even amid the chaos. I have lost my beauty routines but it’s okay. Who cares? At first few months of post delivery stage, a new mom won’t look at her best. Eh? We should be more focused taking care our newborn. No make-up routines first! Just a lil' powder and lip gloss will do! ;)
Uh-oh someone’s awake. Need to end this blog my little tot is crying. J Thanks for reading!
Stop blogging! I want milk! |